
Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Because he'll be amazing

While also gearing up for exams, H is in the midst of marking term papers for his 80+ students this week. It's a not insubstantial task, this pile of paperwork; but somehow he manages to pour limitless stores of commitment, passion, kindness and genuine understanding - not just for the intellectual exercise, but for the young lives behind the often clumsy, sweet, and occasionally unintentionally humorous essays. It is more than just paperwork for him.

Some of these students he has taught since they first entered university. Some he is supervising as they prepare their dissertations, their first substantial pieces of independent research. Some he is helping to prepare for their steps into graduate school and the wider world beyond.

He guides. He invests time and concern. He encourages.

He swells with pride, a little, when they succeed. He cringes with angst when they falter, hoping it doesn't sting too much.

This gentle, patient, loving soul I married.  

Yes, fatherly. It is fatherly guidance and concern and encouragement he pours into these tasks, these students.

I hope they know how lucky they are.

I hope that one day soon, he'll be imparting that fatherly touch not just on his students, but on the tiny life we will grow and nurture and one day set forth into the wide world.

To learn and think and falter and laugh and write clumsy essays of their own.

World's best teacher,  Dad-in-waiting. Source.


  1. This warms my heart. One of the hardest things about this loss/infertility journey is feeling like I'm the reason my husband may never be a (biological) father. Regardless of what happens, we're lucky to have such amazing guys as our partners in all of this.

  2. awwwww... sounds like you've got a good one! I too hope that one day soon you two can experience parenthood. I know you'd both make great parents :)

  3. I hope he read this post. I love seeing him through your eyes. You are so lucky to have such a wonderful husband who will be a wonderful father.

  4. I've had mentors like your DH. They are invaluable and gifted. In the moments he's frustrated, remind him that to so many he's a hero.

  5. Awwww, what a sweet sweet post! Sounds like he'll be an amazing papa. :)

  6. This is beautiful. Clearly this man will make an amazing papa. And your obvious love for him will not go unnoticed by this thinking faltering laughing writing child.

  7. What a love letter! So sweet. He will make a great father, indeed!

  8. Love this! One of the things I look forward to most is seeing my husband fathering our child. It sounds like H is a natural.


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